More Information

Studio A Features

Studio A is a space in the Music Library available for A/V recordings and creation. The studio is equipped with the following materials:

  • Focusrite Scarlett interface
  • iMac Pro
  • Laptop stand
  • Piano Keyboard
  • sE Electronics Studio Mic and Pop Screen
  • Studio Monitors
  • Whisper Room Studio

Studio A can be reserved(opens in a new tab) through UC Library Search. If you have not reserved Studio A before, please refer to the instructions in the "Reservations in UC Library Search" section of this page.

If you need more equipment than what is provided, you may check out one of our music kits.

Music Kit Features

Reservation Terms

Music Kit Terms & Conditions

  • Music kits can be reserved for up to 24 hours at a time.
  • Reservations can be made 90 days in advance. If you'd like to make a reservation further out, please email us at in a new tab).
  • Music kits can be reserved for use both inside and outside of the Music Library.
  • Music kits are subject to fines and fees if missing parts upon return.

Studio A Terms & Conditions

  • Studio A can be reserved for up to four hours at a time.
  • Reservations can be made 90 days in advance. If you'd like to make a reservation further out, please email us at in a new tab).
  • Groups of up to five are allowed in Studio A. For bigger groups, please reserve the Seminar Room(opens in a new tab).
  • The Music Library may cancel bookings if they don't meet room requirements or if the room is needed for library instruction.
  • A/V problems should be reported to the Music Library, but immediate support may not always be available.

Reservations in UC Library Search

Follow the instructions below to reserve an item or space in UC Library Search.

  1. Open the link to item you wish to reserve.
  2. Log in to your library account.
  3. Select Request under the "How to get it" section.
  4. Select Check Availability to see that the item is available when you'd like to request it. If you attempt to request an item that is already reserved, you will see an error message.
  5. Use the availability calendar to determine an open time to request the item. Brown blocks indicate times the library is closed. Red blocks indicate times the item is already booked.
  6. Music Kits can only be booked for 24 hours. If you try to book the kits for more than 24 hours, you will receive an error message.
  7. Studio A can only be booked for four hours. If you try to book the studio for more than four hours, you will receive an error message.
  8. Select a start date and an end date. For Studio A, also select a start time and an end time.
  9. If your request was made successfully, you will receive the following message: "Your request was successfully placed. You will receive an email when your request arrives."
  10. Visit the Music Library Circulation Desk to check out your reservation or studio keys.

Instructional Videos

The following videos will help you learn how to reserve our equipment and rooms!


How to Reserve a Music Kit

Music Library Music Kit
A step-by-step tutorial on reserving music kits.
Music Library Music Kit

How to Reserve Studio A

Student singing in Music Library Studio A
A step-by-step tutorial on reserving Studio A.
Student singing in Music Library Studio A

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