More Information

"Open Access is the free, immediate, online availability of research articles combined with the rights to use these articles fully in the digital environment. Open Access is the needed modern update for the communication of research that fully utilizes the Internet for what it was originally built to do — accelerate research."

Scholarly Publishing and Research Coalition (SPARC)

UC Resources

Open Access Journal Articles

Transformative Agreements

Since 2019, the UC has entered "transformative agreements" with journal publishers. These agreements allow UC authors to publish open access work in journals licensed by the UC. Often, transformative agreements cover publication costs if other funding is not available. To find out whether a transformative agreement covers a journal, explore this list.

UC Open Access Policy

Since 2013, the UC has been at the forefront of the open access movement. UC open access policies allow any published article by a UC author to be made available on eScholarship.

The UC Publication Management System alerts authors when they can put articles in eScholarship. Learn how this system works.

Publishing an Open Access Journal

On eScholarship, users can start a brand new open access journal or transition an existing journal to the open access model. The service is free for UC affiliates.

You can increase credibility and accessibility of your journal by listing it in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). Read their guide to applying for more information and tips

Publishing an Open Access Monograph


Luminos is UC Press’ open access monograph publishing program. This program maintains the same high standards as traditional publishing programs. The Library covers publication fees for UCLA faculty authors with support from Arcadia.

UCLA faculty authors can submit monograph proposals to the relevant UC Press editor. Approved proposals will receive funding from the Library.

Toward an Open Monograph Ecosystem (TOME)

TOME is a national group of university presses that publishes peer-reviewed and edited open access monographs. The Library covers publication fees for UCLA faculty authors with support from Arcadia.
UCLA faculty interested in publishing through TOME should submit a proposal to one of the participating presses. Once the press has accepted the proposal, contact the Library to secure funding.

External Policies

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