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The Inclusive Excellence Committee (IEC) is the latest iteration of UCLA Library groups charged with promoting equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI). This legacy extends back to the late 1980s, when previous university librarians charged various ad hoc groups to steward this work. Most recently, from 2020-2024, the Anti-Racism Initiative (ARI) led numerous initiatives to promote equity. The hiring in 2023 of a director of organizational culture, equity, diversity, and inclusion — one of many goals spearheaded by ARI — provided an opportunity to restructure this work into its current form.

The IEC's work builds on the momentum generated by ARI and aligns directly with UCLA’s current strategic plan, Creating the Future(opens in a new tab). This group will continuously analyze how systemic racism and other forms of oppression impact the Library. Members will identify and take action on critical projects to foster equity at the four levels where change is possible: intrapersonal, interpersonal, institutional and cultural.

Guiding Frameworks

In addition to the American Association of Colleges & Universities’ work on inclusive excellence(opens in a new tab), the IEC follows several key frameworks to guide their work:

These frameworks show that everyone in an organization has a role in helping to foster equity and inclusion. They highlight how changes at the personal and interpersonal levels connect with changes at the institutional and cultural levels. They also reveal how changes in people and systems influence each other. These frameworks inspire creative solutions that address all four levels and allow us to understand how each intervention can impact the other levels.

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Committee Membership

To ensure broad and diverse representation, the IEC comprises twelve members from across the Library, in addition to the director of organizational culture and EDI. Committee members contribute invaluable insights made possible by their specific vantage points throughout the Library. They support the director in identifying emergent needs and engaging in ongoing initiatives.

Project Teams

In addition to the twelve core members of the IEC, additional colleagues may serve on project teams based on specific interests and areas of expertise. Current project teams include:

  • Recruitment and Retention
  • Ethical Description
  • Active Learning

The IEC will convene additional project teams as needed.

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