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CLICC Resources & Services

The home of education technology equipment in the UCLA Library, CLICC has served as a leader at UCLA and across higher education for learning and research technology resources for more than twenty-five years and continues to reimagine how universities and libraries can enable anyone to pursue their academic achievements. See below for more information.

CLICC Laptop Lending

Contact CLICC

CLICC staffs locations in Powell Library and the Young Research Library (YRL). Outside of service hours, please call (310) 825-7557 and leave a message.

  • Powell 145, CLICC Lab: (310) 206-0271
  • Powell 320, CLICC Classrooms Hub: (310) 825-8208
  • YRL 11360E, CLICC Lending Desk: (310) 267-5464
  • Powell 140, CLICC Lending Desk: (310) 794-1018 (currently closed, contact or visit CLICC Lab)
  • Connecting from Off-Campus

    Learn how to use a VPN or proxy server to access UCLA Library resources from off-campus.
  • Wi-Fi Access

    Learn how to connect to Wi-Fi in UCLA Library buildings and the rest of campus.