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The Library reserves the right to designate specific uses for individual computers. When there is high demand for using computers, time limits may be enforced; those not engaged in research or course-related activities may be asked to relinquish their computer to those needing use for research purposes.

In addition, our use policy lays out the activities for which our devices should and should not be used. The following examples are intended to clarify the interpretation of unacceptable use of UCLA Library computers.

Examples of unacceptable use include, but are not limited to:

  • Viewing and printing material from the Internet that a reasonable person would consider objectionable such as sexually explicit or violently explicit pictures, movies and/or videos.
  • Any use that violates copyrights, patent protections or license agreements.
  • Attempts to gain unauthorized access to information systems or violate the privacy of others. Prohibited activities include running programs that attempt to calculate or guess passwords, or that are designed to trick other users into disclosing their passwords, or intercepting or monitoring network communications that are not intended for you.
  • Viewing material that violates federal, state or local laws or regulations, including those regarding accessing, viewing, printing and distributing child pornography.
  • Tampering with library computers, including attempting to install unauthorized software, disconnecting library computers or connecting private computers to the library’s network lines.

Thank you for your cooperation and consideration.

Associated Policies

The use of these computers is governed by both UC-wide and UCLA-specific policies, including:

  • Conduct in the UCLA Library

    It is the responsibility of Library users to contribute to a productive atmosphere and to respect the needs of other users.
  • User Rights and Responsibilities

    The Library has adopted regulations to protect the rights of both users and staff, to create an appropriate academic atmosphere, and to provide a safe, comfortable and convenient environment.