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UCLA Library users may be asked to complete an anonymous online pop-up or in-person survey as part of a year-long cost study, administered by Attain Partners(opens in a new tab) and commencing in July 2024. The purpose of the study is to document the Library’s impact on university research activities, and the data will help the university meet Federal reporting requirements and result in establishing funding allocations for UCLA. The Library study is part of a larger study and is routine for large research universities.

If asked, your participation in the cost study will take two minutes or less and will help provide valuable information about library materials and services and the purpose of their use. Here is what participants can expect:

  • An online survey will be conducted monthly during selected 2-hour periods. Users of e-journals, databases, interlibrary loan, e-books, streaming media and other web services may be asked to complete a short pop-up survey before accessing electronic resources.
  • An in-person survey at select Library locations will be conducted monthly during selected 2-hour periods. People entering the Library during survey periods may be given a paper survey and asked to complete it before they leave.

During the twelve month cost-study period, participants may receive the survey more than once, but they will not receive the in-person and web-based survey on the same day. No personal information will be collected unless a respondent chooses to provide it, and no data will be shared publicly. A summary of the survey data will be provided quarterly to University Business and Finance Solutions and UCLA Library administration.

We thank you for your participation! For questions or concerns about the cost study, please email Todd Grappone, Associate University Librarian for Collections, Research Data Services and Scholarly Communication, at in a new tab).